Dicing saws; Laser saws; Die bonders; Wire bonders; Auto mold presses; T/F presses; Laser markers; Water purifiers; Lapping machines; Polishers/Dry etchers; Wafer mounters; Multi-wire saws; UV irradiation systems; Wafer protective tape lamination machines; Wafer protective tape removal machines
Non-destructive inspection equipment such as visual inspection equipment and laser interferometer
Automated warehouse systems; Rotary stockers; Material handling equipments; Conveyers; Parking facilities (multi-level/multi-stage/self-drive)
Machine tools; Automated/Labor saving equipments; Ceramics-related machineries; Industrial robots and associated components; Ultrasonic washing machines
Small incinerators; Incinerating facilities; Water treatment facilities; Pollution prevention devices
Facilitates the removal of dicing films (UV films) from wafers after dicing process by irradiating the films evenly with ultraviolet rays
Engine generators; Compressors; Scissors lifters; Panel homes; Spraying equipments; Incinerators; Industrial waste facilities; Asphalt plants; Batcher plants